This year, with the global pandemic the arrival of tourists has been delayed, many hotels remain closed, the beaches have limited capacity and the community pools must comply with a series of rules in order to open.
There are some general recommendations for pools that seek the safety of all.
Of course, people who are in isolation because they have had contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive for COVID will not be able to access the pool. In the case of risk groups, it is recommended that they do not attend the pools if they do not have a preferential schedule for them.
Gel dispensers must be installed at the entrance to the pool area, since it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gels. Remember that for these to be effective they must have at least 70% alcohol in their composition.
It will be necessary to maintain a safe distance from other pool users, only members of a cohabitation unit may be together. The distance should be 1.5m between each cohabitation unit. Inside the pool, each person must have 4m2 of surface area.
As pool users we always ask that everyone takes their trash with them. It is now more important than ever that each co-habitation unit disposes of its waste in a closed bag.
As regards toilets and changing rooms, the general recommendation is that they should not be opened to the public. The cleaning, disinfection and control of its correctness would be very difficult since they would have to be adapted so that they could be used without manual contact (handles, taps,...)
With regard to the pool water, minimum requirements must also be met. The water must be subjected to filtration, disinfection and pH regulation. In recreational pools, the total volume of water should be recirculated in less than 4 hours. For childrens' pool, the time may not exceed one hour. A new way to enjoy swimming pools, one more step towards normality. If you need more detailed information you can consult in this link the sanitary protocol of prevention measures.