The entire Cardenas staff recently spent four days in Marrakech on a well-deserved and all-expenses paid holiday. The trip had an unexpected consequence: Lots of press coverage from newspapers, radio shows and websites happy to report on a positive news story.
Our trip got a big write-up in the Canarias 7 newspaper, which called it an example that other companies should follow. Journalist Gabriel Suárez highlighted our belief that investing in our staff and their happiness is money well spent as it guarantees the future success of Cárdenas.
Overall, the press could hardly believe that there was such a positive story coming during the economic crisis. Popular radio host Franciso Chavanel even asked our Director Carolina García Chagrin live on air if we had gone crazy for paying for over 20 people to stay in a 5-Star Hotel.
As Carolina explained on the radio we are far from crazy: The trip was a reward for the hard work and dedication of our staff, who have worked harder than ever during the past couple of years.
The popular El Espejo Canario (The Canarian Mirror) radio program broadcast news of our trip as the “positive news story of the day”.
While times are hard for many people in Spain at the moment we have been hiring to cope with demand. It seems that people can’t get enough of Gran Canaria during their holidays and dream of owning a property here as well. Our highly-trained, multilingual staff and our positive attitude mean that Cárdenas Real estate is the company they come to to make their dreams come true.