Gran Canaria Tax News: Mogán Town Hall Extends 2021 Municipal Tax Deadlines
Published in Legal & Tax, News
The Mogán Ayuntamiento has announced that local residents and property owners have until November 30 to make their voluntary municipal tax payments.
The measure is designed to spread the financial burden of local taxes for residents and local businesses throughout the year.
The latest on local tax changes that affect Gran Canaria property owners
The taxes covered by the measure include the Bienes Inmuebles de Naturaleza Urbana (IBI) property tax, the Impuesto sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica vehicle tax and the Tasa por Entrada de Vehículos parking tax. The whole IBI must be paid in one go if it is under 50 euros.
The second half of the IBI is due between September 6 and November 30, along with other municipal taxes such as the Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles de Naturaleza Rústica and the Impuesto de Actividades Económicas.
For those who pay their local taxes via Direct Debit, Mogán will take them on July 5th and on October 5th. However, these payments can be delayed and paid without penalty up to November at the Town Hall offices.
For information about paying your local taxes, and making your annual Spanish tax declaration as a non-resident property owner, please contact our specialist tax office.